Trademark search report Bangladesh

Hier erhalten Sie eine Identitäts- und Ähnlichkeitsrecherche mit Vorauswahl relevanter Marken durch den Sachbearbeiter. Preise verstehen sich für eine Klasse, jede weitere zu recherchierende Klasse verursacht die angegebenen Mehrkosten.
EUR 120.00
EUR 120.00
The Trademark Search Report contains: 1. Search providing identical and similar trademarks in the classes selected concerning national trademarks in the respective country 2. Search providing identical and similar trademarks in the classes selected concerning Community Trademarks and International Registrations if relevant 3. Search providing identical trademarks in all other classes in the above mentioned databases (not available for every country) 4. Selection of the identical and similar trademarks by an expert 5. Compilation of the relevant trademarks with detailed information (according to the country different in extent)

Ask us! We will gladly advise you.

Jens Liesegang
Attorney-at-Law, Certified IP Lawyer

Normen Lang
Attorney-at-Law, Certified IP Lawyer and Certified lawyer for Information Technology Law

Liesegang & Partner mbB, Rechtsanwälte